How to Multiply Your Business without Giving Discount?


πŸ‘‰ Do you want to know the most important factor in increasing your sale?

πŸ‘‰ is discount killing your business? 

Traditional shopkeepers, traders, and small merchants often adopt conventional strategies such as discounting, overdraft, extended credit period and freebies to increase their sales. 

Vendors and shopkeepers complain that to compete with the low-priced products imported from China, they end up giving discounts and freebies to attract customers. 

Although such strategies may work for small businesses for a short period of time, they can't retain market for a longer period for big corporates. 

To help indian business community increase their revenue and acquire new customer base by understanding their nerve without giving discounts, we have compiled following 5 powerful techniques. 

Tip #1 Identify the Critical Success Factor of your Customer 

| know | 

Just selling your product using any sales and marketing strategy is not your job, instead of understanding your customer's money-making model and making your customer's business successful is your job 

πŸ‘‰ You have to enter into your customer's life to understand his/her business by becoming e trusted partner 

πŸ‘‰ Try to enter into your customer's business and identify how you can help him to increase his earnings Once you start helping your customer in running his business, he will become your loyal customer. 

Tip #2   Identify the Critical Success Factor of your Customer's Customer 

πŸ‘‰Even after understanding your customer's business, it is imperative for you to understand the business of your customer's customer 

πŸ‘‰This is a very unconventional way to make your customer loyal by contributing to the critical success of his customer 

“Don't act like a Sales Man, act as a Consultant” 

πŸ‘‰ Try to understand how your customer's customer is generating income which ts called success consulting practice 
πŸ‘‰ if you contribute to the success of customer's customer by matching their need, then your direct customer will become your loyal customer 

Tip #3   Identify the Critical Success Factor of your Customer's Competitor

πŸ‘‰ Since you understood the critical success factor of your customer and your customer's customer, it's time to understand the critical success factor of your customer's competitor. 

πŸ‘‰ Try to enter the business of your customers’ competitor and find out what Policies and techniques they are using to run their busineas successfully 

πŸ‘‰ After understanding your customer's competitor's business model, integrate the required changes in your product, which can help your customer to compete with his competitor and increase his business 

πŸ‘‰ After the success of your customer's business, he/she will become your trusted customer 

Tip #4 Determine where you should Focus


Don't focus on conventional techniques of business to allure your customers like pricing, discounting, promotional schemes and over drafting, as these techniques don't retain your business for a long duration. 

πŸ‘‰ You have to “focus on churning your innovative strategies to increase your gross margin, revenue, inventory turnover, cash flow, brand equity, customer acquisition, customer retention, profitability, liquidity, growth, productivity, and velocity.” 

πŸ‘‰ Small merchants and salesman often focus on discount, overdraft, credit period and low-cost techniques, which after a certain period of time start hurting their profitability. On the other hand, big corporates focus on this innovative too! to influence their customer's buying behavior to get an upper hand over their competitors.

Tip #5 Customer  centric Organization 

“Customer's critical success factor should be the foundation of your corporate strategy.” 

πŸ‘‰Restructure your organization in a way that it's each and every department works towards contributing to the need of focused customers, Organization's every department should direct their efforts to add value to the biggest customer's critical success factor. 

πŸ‘‰ Engage all departments in brainstorming game-changing ideas to build customer centric strategies to increase the sale of your product. 
